- Electrolux HEPA 12 Filter (VB282)
Genuine Electrolux HEPA EFH 12 Filter to suit Electrolux models - Accelerator, Airmax, Bolido, Clairo, Classic Silence, Cyclone Power, Cyclone XL, Ergospace, Excellio, JetMaxx, Maximus, Oxygen, Oxygen+, Smartvac & Powerstream, SuperCyclone, Twin Clean, UltraActive, UltraOne, UltraSilencer, Viva Control, Viva Quickstop
Learn More$19.95 As low as $17.95Out of stock - Genuine Electrolux Cyclone Ultra HEPA filter (VB241)
Genuine Electroux HEPA filter kit to suit Cyclone Ultra Z7311F, Z7312, Z7314. Kit contains 1 x washable Hygiene filter, 1 Micro Filter & 1 Motor Filter.
Learn More$31.95 As low as $28.75 - HEPA Filter to suit Electrolux vacuum cleaners (VB201)
Washable HEPA Exhaust Filter to suit various Electrolux models including the following series - Accelerator, Airmax, Boldio, Clario, Cyclone, Ergospace, Excillio, Jetmaxx, Oxygen, Oxygen +, Oxy3System, Praxio, Power System, Silence, Smartvac, Superpro, Supercyclonic Dust & Gone, TwinClean, UltraActive, Ultra Captic, UltraOne, UltraSilencer.
Learn More$22.95 As low as $20.65 - Inlet Filter to suit Volta, Electrolux & Eureka upright models (VB211)
Inlet filter to suit:
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Volta models 4340, 4464, 4471
Electrolux models Z1300-Z1400, Z1481, Z1492
Eureka models Victory 4465, A4300, A4600, 4441, U1358AU$6.95 As low as $6.25